Footer Analysis


Review and verify recurring text strings as Privilege in Footer to include in the categorization process.

Verify recurring text

Determine which recurring text to categorize as Privilege in footer. In the event a privilege term in the document appears solely in a footer, the document is UNLIKELY to be privileged (no more likely than a document with no hits).

Decide if text is Privilege in footer

Review recurring text strings in the Analysis tab and make a decision by selecting Yes or No in the Is Privilege Footer? column. Text without a decision under the Analysis tab is not included in the categorization process when you click Categorize (see Setup).

Expand a recurring text line item to see a list of documents.

Click on the ReviewID to open in the Relativity document viewer.

Review Verified recurring text

Once you make your decision by selecting Yes or No in the Is Privilege Footer? column, the text string moves from the Analysis tab to the Verified tab. Recurring text marked Yes will be categorized as Privilege in footer.

Exclude recurring text

To exclude a text string from being categorized as Privilege in footer, change the decision to No. It will remain in the Verified tab. Recurring text marked No will not be categorized as Privilege in Footer Only.

Note that after documents have been Categorized, verified Footer decisions cannot be changed.

Categorize as Privilege in Footer Only

Return to the Setup page when the footer analysis and verification is complete and click Categorize.

Click Yes, Proceed when prompted by the modal warning.

Note: This action cannot be undone and may take a long time depending of the size of the workspace. Categorization applies to ALL documents in the Privilege corpus.

Export Footer XLS

Click Export Footer XLS to download a copy of recurring text strings for review.


To rerun footers and include new documents, you must clear all Priv Categorization input data and restore default settings by clicking Reset Priv Categorization on the Setup page.
This action permanently deletes all domain/footer decisions, and clears PrivCATDocumentCategory and PrivCAT Recurring Text tags.

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