Domain Analysis


Review and verify domain names as third party in header to include in the categorization process. You can choose to work within the Priv Categorization app or offline using a CSV file (see Export/Import names).

Verify domain names

Determine which domain names to categorize as third party in header. The presence of a third party in the header of a parent email makes it very unlikely to be privileged. These are domains which categorically break privilege, such as the opposing party. Be sure not to include domains used as generic, personal email accounts, such as Gmail and university alumni accounts.

Decide if names break privilege

Review domain names in the Analysis tab and make a decision by selecting Yes or No in the Domain always breaks privilege column. Names without a decision under the Analysis tab are not included in the categorization process when you click Categorize (see Setup).

Click Refresh Domains to update the domain list after adding new documents.

Review Verified names

Once you make your decision by selecting Yes or No in the Domain always breaks privilege column, the Domain name moves from the Analysis tab to the Verified tab. Domain names marked Yes will be categorized as third party in header.

Exclude domain name

To exclude a domain from being categorized as third party in header, change the decision to No. It will remain in the Verified tab.

Categorize Third Party in Header

Return to the Setup page when the domain analysis and verification is complete and click Categorize.

Click Yes, Proceed when prompted by the modal warning.

Note: This action cannot be undone and may take a long time depending of the size of the workspace. Categorization applies to ALL documents in the Privilege corpus.

Export / Import names

Export the domain list to work offline, then import your decisions once you're finished.

Export list

Click Export Domain XLS and save the file as a CSV.

Enter decisions

Type Yes or No in the Domain always breaks privilege column. Domain names without a decision are not included in the categorization process.

Import list

Click Import Domain CSV to upload the file containing your decisions of domains that always break privilege.

Choose the file to import, then click GO.

Click Refresh Domains to update the domain list after adding new documents.

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